With the festive period just around the corner, the steering group would like to give an update on events so far.

There have been three:

  • an ongoing large-scale raffle
  • a highly successful auction
  • a stall at the Binos extravaganza

The latter was an excellent event, giving lots of fun and prizes to children and adults alike. Having the players and the Management Team along made a huge impact. Thank you Darren and your team. The fund has also received donations from individuals which has been very much appreciated

We previously announced that Ross’s chosen charity is Plus – providing opportunities for disabled children and young adults and a healthy donation is already on its way to this organisation. Further contributions will follow each event. Ross has invited three young supporters to be ambassadors for the charity section of the fund namely: Jack Robertson, Scott McKenzie, and Lara Clydesdale. They have all had the advantage of Plus at some point during their lives and as you can imagine, are all delighted to be selected. You will hear more about them in the New Year as Ross sets them a challenge relevant to their respective abilities. This will be linked into either a Go Fund Me or a Just Giving Campaign. Other proposed events include a golf day; an evening with Ross and supporters; and a Testimonial Match. If anyone has ideas about other events, it would be great to hear from you.

Meantime Ross, his family and the Steering Group would like to wish Supporters a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and thank everyone for backing the Campaign.